Scientific Questions to Investigate

Lower Secondary Science


  • How does the amount of exercise affect heart rate?
  • How does the amount of exercise affect breathing rate?
  • How does age affect the daily energy requirements of people?
  • How does the type of activity affect the energy required for it per hour?
  • How does the type of food affect the amount of energy in it?
  • How does surface area of food affect enzyme activity to digest it?
  • How does the amount of water affect germination?
  • How does the temperature affect germination?
  • How does the size of seed affect germination?
  • How does the availability of carbon dioxide affect the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does the availability of water affect the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does the availability of sunlight affect the rate of photosynthesis?
  • How does surface area affect rate of diffusion?
  • How does the amount of glucose available affect the growth of yeast?
  • How does the presence of microorganisms affect the decay of food?
  • How does temperature affect the rate of decomposition?



  • How does amount of solute affect solubility?
  • How does stirring affect solubility?
  • How does temperature affect solubility?
  • How does the concentration of acid and alkali affect the pH of a solution?
  • How does the volume of air in a beaker affect how long a candle burns?
  • How does the amount of a reactant affect how much product forms in a chemical reaction?
  • How does surface area affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
  • How does temperature affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
  • How does the presence of a catalyst affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
  • How does the temperature affect the speed of diffusion of a substance?
  • How does the state of matter affect the amount it can contract and expand?
  • How does the type of material affect the rate of heat conduction through it?
  • How does the surface area of a catalyst affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
  • How does the amount of catalyst affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
  • How does availability of oxygen and water affect rusting of iron?
  • How does a metal’s reaction with air, water and acid affect its position in the reactivity series?
  • How does the type of rock affect its permeability?
  • How does the way a rock is made by Earth affect its properties?
  • How does the volume of copper sulfate affect the amount of copper produced by electrolysis?
  • How does the concentration of copper sulfate affect the amount of copper produced by electrolysis?
  • How does the size of the current affect the amount of copper produced by electrolysis?
  • How does the type of metal affect its conductivity?



  • How does the type of circuit (series or parallel) affect the current and voltage in it?
  • How does the number of bulbs in a series circuit affect their brightness?
  • How does the number of bulbs in a parallel circuit affect their brightness?
  • How does force affect extension on a spring?
  • How does area on which a force is acted on, affect pressure?
  • How does the force of gravity affect the weight of an object?
  • How does mass affect the weight of an object?
  • How does force affect pressure on a certain area?
  • How does the area of an object affect the pressure it exerts?
  • How does amount of friction affect speed of an object?
  • How does the shape of an object affect its speed in a fluid?
  • How does the temperature affect the speed of sound?
  • How does the type of material affect the speed of sound through it?
  • How does wavelength affect frequency of a wave?
  • How does the type of material affect how much heat it can store?
  • How does the type of material affect how much heat it can conduct?
  • How does the type of material affect how much heat it can radiate?
  • How does the state of matter affect its rate of expansion and contraction?
  • How does temperature affect the state of matter?
  • How does the volume of an object affect its density?
  • How does the mass of an object affect its density?
  • How does the volume of a fluid affect the pressure it exerts on the walls of its container?
  • How does depth of a fluid affect the pressure it exerts?
  • How does density of an object affect its ability to float in a fluid?
  • How does the type of material affect how much light is reflected off of it?
  • How does the type of material affect how much light is transmitted through it?
  • How does the angle of incidence affect the angle of reflection?
  • How does the type of material affect the speed of light through it?
  • How does the type of lens affect the speed and direction of light?
  • How does the voltage affect current in a series circuit?
  • How does the voltage affect current in a parallel circuit?
  • How does resistance affect current in a series circuit?
  • How does the length of wire affect resistance in a circuit?
  • How does temperature affect gas pressure?
  • How does the distance from pivot affect the moment produced by a lever?
  • How does the force applied to a lever affect the moment produced?
  • How does the force applied to a machine affect the work done by it?
  • How does the distance moved by a machine affect the work done by it?
  • How does a simple machine affect the effort force needed to do work?
  • How does the rate of rubbing an insulating material with another affect the amount of static electricity?
  • How does the number of coils affect the strength of an electromagnet?
  • How does the amount of current affect the strength of an electromagnet?
  • How does the strength of magnet affect the rotation of an electric motor?
  • How does the amount of current affect the rotation of an electric motor?
  • How does height affect the gravitational potential energy an object stores?